Cupping therapy, a time-honored natural treatment with a history spanning thousands of years in China, was also prevalent in ancient Greece and Rome. Today, we are proud to combine this ancient healing art with modern technology to offer you a unique Red Copper Cupping experience. Red Copper Cupping: The Healing...
Managing Synovitis – An Alternative Approach for Knee Joint Health
Synovitis is a common condition within knee joint disorders. Its key clinical symptoms include pain while ascending stairs, descending stairs, and even during extended periods of walking. Swelling, accumulation of fluid, tissue overgrowth, and the development of bone spurs can also occur, causing significant distress for individuals with synovitis. The...
What Are the Health Benefits of a Hot Stone Massage?
What happens during a hot stone massage? A hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy. It’s used to help you relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissues throughout your body. During a hot stone massage, smooth, flat, heated stones are placed on specific parts of your...
What Is a Deep Tissue Massage and How Does It Work?
Most people don’t realize what kind of tension and stress they are under. Those who do recognize their tension may not know how to fix it or what to do to relieve themselves. Therefore, we’ll outline what a deep tissue massage is and how it works so that people can...
TDP + Infrared Lamp Therapy
Heat therapy is an important aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine. is the traditional method of applying heat therapeutically, however, a drawback is the inhalation of smoke particularly by practitioners who perform moxibustion with the majority of their patients. TDP + Infrared Lamp Therapy offer a wonderful alternative to burning moxa....
What Is Cupping? Does It Work?
Jan 13, 2020 Katie Rosenblum Cupping has evolved and is widely used for pain relief and muscular-skeletal injuries, such as strains, sprains, and inflammation. During a cupping session, a practitioner places round cups directly on your skin. The cup is either first heated with fire or manually pumped to create a...
Full-body massage VS Back & Neck massage
Long story short, as a professional masseur I dig a variety of uber-effective massage techniques that can all be applied over the clothing. Those of you who have seen or met me at sporting events or other public onsite massage gigs are aware of it already! Newcomers to the world...